I just wanted to say how excited I am that people have actually been posting! Shar, it was great to hear from you, I have been wanting to hear from you forever, I loved the black and white wedding photos and Emily I am so glad that Bruce is doing well. Blake had one day in the NICU and it was scary, so I am happy that your two weeks are over. Let us all know how you are sleeping...He really is a cutie. If you want, email me your pictures and I will post them for you - kristen.edwards@gmail.com.
We are doing well in Cali- I was able to hang out with Sarah watching the last episode of the OC a few weeks ago and Jill Dogger was there too for the closing drama. It was great, I felt educated in popular culture after spending time at the Ellis house.
We are headed to Utah for the weekend because Cory's parents are going to serve as Mission Presidents in Lansing Michigan this coming July and Elder Oaks is going to set them apart this weekend, so it should be very cool. I will tell him about the blog :)
Lately I have mostly been dealing with the Ford dealer and insurance company trying to get our car back in shape after having been stolen. I guess that is what we get living out here.
Blake keeps talking and recently ran away from me at Sacrament meeting for the whole ward to see and Rachel fell down the stairs for the first time this morning but has recovered very well and is still crawling around like a little maniac. (Want to know more, check out
Keep posting - let us know about your adventures everyone and Nicole you had better comment about your wedding soon! Amy and Katie I want to see pics of the babies on the Blog - you can email me too and I will put them up if you want.