Sunday, November 28, 2004

Y'all have a great Thanksgiving?

This year we had Thanksgiving in Texas! Aaron, Abe and I have been in Dallas all month opening an office for Aaron's company. We drove to Houston to visit family for Thanksgiving and I was able to visit Shar and Paul! Shar took me on a run in the pleasant Texas 70 degree fall weather and we had lunch with her cute boys in her nice home in the suburbs. :)
Now we're back in Dallas hoping to wrap things up soon so we can head back to Utah for Christmas. Texas is nice this time of year and I've enjoyed exploring new places, but I've got to admit, I'm excited to get back to my own home and snowy mountains. :) Snowboarding season has arrived, you know....
Happy December!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Boston Quick Chicks

The Red Sox are a wicked good team, but Boston was just introduced to the Quick Chicks- Nicole Magelsen, Jessica Heiner, me plus two other girls formed this great team that took second at a race in Rhode Island and awarded us good money. Sadly we were beat by a team of men who's average age was 67...It was actually very funny....they got a hadicap on the time based on age. We have some good pictures with those dudes in tights. (which I will later attempt to post) Next on my list is USATF cross-country nationals in Portland December, 6th running for Greater Boston Track club.
Overdue Congrats to Jolee! Nicole keeps me updated on all the wonderful details before they even reach the blog. And to Amy-how wonderful...we have 10 pregnant women in our ward right now...I'm feeling a little pressure...
Kristen/other readers-as far as books go The Education of Little Tree is fab, but you may have read it. I know Nicole and Jolee read it outloud while in the same apt. at BYU. Also The Spirit Cathces you and you Fall Down by Ann Fadiman is amazing and since you live in California more close to home. Its about a Hmong child who has epilepsy and her parents/doctos struggles to comunicate. I would love to hear your recomendaitons as well.
Well its 1 in the morning...better get to bed
one more..These is my Words by Nancy Turner (womens struggle on frontier in AZ)

a fellow southerner


I lived in Pittsboro for a month when we first moved to NC. We lived in this farmhouse out in the sticks. We used to drive through the woods listening to the music from Last of the Mohicans. Did you know that was filmed in North Carolina? I am pretty sure I almost saw them running through the trees a couple times. Anyway, I am excited to hear that you're down there, because James and benson and I are coming back to Durham in January for one more semester. We can be buddies! We'll introduce you to all those Southerners and their dogs.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, from DC


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Mars in Boston

howdy everyone. just wanted to say congratulations jolee and congratulations amy.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Y'all I'm down south now.

Hey girls -

I have been meaning to post on this since Sherida told me about it in an email - umm like a month ago - so here I finally am. So Eric and I are in North Carolina now, he is going to dental school at UNC and I am teaching Biology and Earth Science at a high school in the town we live in - I am also going to be the head track coach in the spring (wish me luck). We live in a really little town called Pittsboro, just outside of Chapel Hill. I think there are like 2200 people who live in this town, it is quite small and quaint - we like it a lot. We still have Harper (the dog) and he is still very spoiled and our only little baby (for now). We have put him on a little bit of a diet, though because he's starting to chunk up and can't keep up on runs like he used to be able to.

Congratulations goes out to Jolee - that is so very exciting! I think that this is an excellent idea and a great way to stay in touch - good job Kristen. Many of the blogs that have been posted have sent me into fitful bouts of laughter that have been quite hard to pull out of. I have found myself missing things from Utah and the team a lot more than I expected to, so it is has been kinda therapeutic to hear from you guys.

That is all I can think of for now guys, but I will be sure to keep you posted.

Jaime Cottle