Saturday, November 13, 2004

Y'all I'm down south now.

Hey girls -

I have been meaning to post on this since Sherida told me about it in an email - umm like a month ago - so here I finally am. So Eric and I are in North Carolina now, he is going to dental school at UNC and I am teaching Biology and Earth Science at a high school in the town we live in - I am also going to be the head track coach in the spring (wish me luck). We live in a really little town called Pittsboro, just outside of Chapel Hill. I think there are like 2200 people who live in this town, it is quite small and quaint - we like it a lot. We still have Harper (the dog) and he is still very spoiled and our only little baby (for now). We have put him on a little bit of a diet, though because he's starting to chunk up and can't keep up on runs like he used to be able to.

Congratulations goes out to Jolee - that is so very exciting! I think that this is an excellent idea and a great way to stay in touch - good job Kristen. Many of the blogs that have been posted have sent me into fitful bouts of laughter that have been quite hard to pull out of. I have found myself missing things from Utah and the team a lot more than I expected to, so it is has been kinda therapeutic to hear from you guys.

That is all I can think of for now guys, but I will be sure to keep you posted.

Jaime Cottle


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