Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Late from Washington DC

Hi all! Thanks Kristen for letting me know about the site. I've been sitting here for an hour reading all the news instead of fixing supper while one-year old Benson is wreaking havoc on our tiny apartment. It's so great to hear from y'all (as we'd say in North Carolina). We are in Washington DC for an internship, and we are returning to NC for one more semester of law school. We'll be in Utah all next summer, then James has accepted a job to work in DC starting next fall at a law firm. It's exciting and scary and a little wierd to think we'll be starting our permanent life. In the meantime, we live in a basement apartment in a beautiful neighborhood in the District. Everyone is very excited about the elections; I admit it is fun to be here during an election year. Our ward is fun, but very different from a BYU ward. I have been painting portraits and other stuff. Check out my website if you want to see. (Or if you have any rich friends who want a portrait painted! He he.) It's

So what is it about Boston that makes BYU runners gravitate there? Is it the Democrats, or do they have exceptional steaks? JoLee, congratulations! I am thrilled. The only thing that would make me happier is to meet him. Benson is pulling my arm off, I've got to go. It's so good to hear from you all and know you're out there. I'll be in Utah at christmas, mel. Let's get together.

Liz Thayer


At 2:40 PM, Blogger liz said...


Your artwork is amazing. Blake has that same shirt as Benson, so the picture looks like Blake a little bit too with the blond hair. When Cory and I have more money, I am going to hire you -I loved looking at all of your pictures. Thanks for sharing!


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