same old same old song
Howdy everyone. I looked at the blog and it was the exact same as the time I'd checked it before, so I thought it needed a new addition. I haven't added anything lately though because I haven't had anything majorly exciting happening (babies, marriages, etc). Life is good though.
Bruce is now a huge 14 lb 13 oz at 8 1/2 months. He scoots around the house in what looks like a dry butterfly stroke and now has two teeth. He babbles a lot and has just started throwing tantrums in the past two weeks. They always happen when I take stuff away. For instance, I'll give him a magazine and he'll rip it apart for a few minutes. Then it finds his way into his mouth. So I grab the magazine and swipe his mouth to get the paper wad out, then a tantrum ensues.
Scott is working hard in the lab, but doesn't start classes for another few weeks. I love the long winter break thing. We never got that at BYU. I am stretched between work (writing digital camera reviews and industry news), running (training for the Boston Marathon - and just tied my 5k PR last Saturday...17:06!), and little Bruce. So while nothing earthshaking is happening, life is really dang good.
Scott and I decided to start our own blog, so check us out at
-Emily Raymond