Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You all Need to Post!

So I figure I should post in the hopes that my writings and thoughts will inspire you all to write something on this site! We are living a pretty routine life out here in Northern California so I am struggling to think of something interesting and insightful...

My kids are at good ages now (Blake - 3.5, Rachel - 1.5) and I am realizing that I do enjoy this occupation of motherhood, I even felt this feeling of accomplishment today as I folded the last piece of laundry into Blake's drawer; if my college self could see me now I am not sure what she would say!

I learned that it takes about three days to get two tablespoons of vaseline out of a 18 month old girl's hair - Rachel looked like one of those balding old men desperate to stick the remaining whisps of hair to their head. She likes to ride our stick pony and follows Blake wherever he goes, she is tough unless Blake hurts her feelings and then she really can scream. Blake likes to read about snakes and spiders and is finally learning something from preschool, he actually remembers the letter when he comes home.

I started teaching a SAT prep class on M/W evenings and it has been pretty fun. The first math problem I did was a disaster, I got all caught up looking at my notes instead of trusting my own math instincts and that was a bit embarassing, but things have gotten better. (I still have a horrible sweating problem, if anyone has advice on what deodorant can actually stop me from pitting out, I would really appreciate it. I come home from class and look at my shirt in horror.) I do like getting out of the house and teaching and I think it has been fun taking all of these standarized tests, it makes you feel smart taking these things AFTER you have gone to college. But, I am surpised at how much I miss being home - which is also a shocker to me. There are just great moments putting your kids to bed, but on the other hand it is pretty amazing to leave the house in Cory's hands and to come back with the kids asleep and the dishes done. He is a pretty great house husband.

I miss all of you gals! Post on the blog, post on the blog, post on the blog.

Also, congrats to Emily because that 5K is dang fast after having a kid! I just heard that Nan is due in 11 days, so good luck!


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Eric and Jill said...

OK, this is Jill, Karen's friend, and you can thank her blog for getting me to this one. I just have to say that for the sweating problem, talk to your doc, and you can get a prescription for Drysol or something of the like (just don't use it after shaving. YIKES!) Yup, sounds scary, but it works really well! I'd always have Karen (poor Karen) check to see if I had pit stains in high school, and this stuff definitely keeps the pit stains at bay!


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